Domain Names

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Registration of domain names for sites

The necessity of buying a domain name can appear earlier than you start site promotion itself, as far as meanwhile the name which you'd like to get can be taken by someone else. That's why if you've chosen domain name and it doesn't exist yet – you'd better buy it at once. In order to find out whether the domain name already exists you can print this name in the specific field on our site. 

The process of domain registration itself takes only few minutes. After you pay the domain's full cost you'll become the rightful owner of its name. The only thing is that you'll have to wait for 8 – 72 hours until the servers all over the world will recognize your domain.

The registration process itself is performed automatically, without any human intervention. All the individuals and legal entities have the opportunity to register a domain. Registration of any domain name is performed after the client's money reach company's account. There can occur a situation when buying a domain name is impossible – if someone has already managed to buy it.  After all from the whole queue of applications the first to work with would be the one, which is the first to be paid, and so if you are the second who paid for it, the domain name will be obviously taken be another person. But in this case you will be offered another domain name, otherwise you'll get your money back

All the domains are easily set up and administrated by means of usable management tool. After you get a domain name you'll access the mail redirecting option. With its help you can redirect all the mail, which is sent to your domain, to any other address. The domain registrar gives the client a free hand

We offer you a wide choice of domain names for a profitable price.

You can set the domains' names yourself, and also manage them using the control panel.

  • 1
  • Domain management You can perform any operation with the domain by means of control panel.
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  • Mail redirect. You can redirect all the mail, which is sent to your domain, to any other address.
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  • Direct arrangement. We work directly with the domain zones administrators.
  • 5
  • Site redirect. You can redirect domain to any necessary site yourself.
  • 3
  • Total automation. The work with your domain is the most automated, that\'s why for you it would be easy and comfortable to control your domain, and the registration takes very little time.
  • 6
  • Total freedom You can always place your domain at any hosting.

Terms of domain registration

  • - The applications for domain registration are put in a queue and are processed on such a principle: the first application to work with is the one money for which is the first paid to registrar's bank account.
  • - The number of the applications which can be sent simultaneously is unlimited.
  • - Your money will be returned in case if your application can't be fulfilled for a reason, mentioned in paragraph 1.
  • - In case if the payment won't be transferred at a term, which is mentioned in the bill, the application will be removed from the queue.
  • - If there is a situation when domain registration is impossible, the money will be transferred to the client's personal account and upon his first demand will be returned the way it was received.

Some advices concerning domain registration

  • Try to choose a domain name that is easily typed and spelled. You'd better don't use the letters which can be heard and understood differently.
  • You should omit complex letter combinations in the domain name, because not all of us have studied English, and even those who have sometimes don't know it properly, that's why ask several friends to write your domain name down after you spell it. If they will write it correctly, you've chosen a good domain name.
  • It's preferably to register a domain in several zones with the same name. 
